Board Game Online Fanart
Game Info > Fan Art
Fan Art
In Board Game Online we have some events and items for which the player community can submit art. The game then randomly picks art from these submissions and uses it. This basically means this is your chance to become famous in BGO! Do you have what it takes? If so, read on!How do I add my art?
Simple! Send an email to with the subject: "Fan Art Item" or "Fan Art Event" depending on what kind of fan art you're submitting. Items and events each have their own requirements, so make sure you read on and pick one first. We will always send you an email to tell you if your submission was added. We go through submissions around once a month, so expect to wait a bit before we handle your submission!Please note that the bar isn't set very high for fan art submissions. Still, we reserve the right to decline submissions for whatever reason we deem fit. Basic rules:
- The art must be created by you. You are not allowed to submit art created by others.
- A link to your profile will be displayed with the art you created.
- The admins decide if the art is good enough to be added to the game. If you put in good effort, your art will most likely be accepted.
- The admins may decide to tweak the description you send along with your art if they prefer.
- By submitting your art, you agree with the art being displayed on the Board Game Online website and/or in-game. You transfer any copyrights on your art to us.
Fan Art Items
Basic requirements:- 75 x 75 pixels
- PNG format
- Description (used in the tooltip)
To go along with the image, we also ask you to give a short description (max 200 chars) of the item that we can put in the tooltip as flavor text. For example, you might describe your ancient Greek vase like this:
This ancient vase once belonged to Euclides himself. It features a beautiful drawing of goddess Artemis getting molested by a boar.
Fan Art Events
Basic requirements:- 300 x 200 pixels OR 300 x 300 pixels
- JPG format or PNG format (in case of transparency)
- Description (used in the event)
- Go 9 to 14 spaces forward
- Go 7 to 11 spaces backward
An angry purple cocklefeather startles you by squawking madly at you. You decide it best to move back 7 spaces.
You've just met a very nice amish guy and he will even give you a ride 9 forward if you forget that you've ever seen him here... Looks like you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the wrong place at the right time? Ehm, so... Deal?