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Board Game Online Contact


If you want to contact us anything game related, please use the in-game Support Ticket button or send us a mail at the following address:

For all business related subjects, please contact us via:
Please note that we do not host gambling-related ads and are not looking to place ads at the moment. We are also not interested in improving SEO.

Sponsored Events

Are you interested in promoting your product or service through an original medium? Look no further! We create sponsored events on demand the way you like it! Sponsored events have the following features:

  1. Event text. Promote your product or service in a full-featured game event players will actually read and enjoy!
  2. Show a picture. Show your logo or something else that's relevant to your product or service.
  3. Play a sound. Play an mp3/ogg file to play your jingle, slogan or something else.
  4. Play a YouTube video. If your business has a relevant movie uploaded on YouTube, it can be activated and played for all the players in a game to see.
  5. Link to your website. Both the picture and normal links may be used to link players directly to your site in a new browser tab.
Sponsored events can be rented. The price depends on the state of the site at the specific moment in time. For more details, please contact us.